Batgirl Is the PERFECT Dungeons and Dragons Host

Batgirl Is the PERFECT Dungeons and Dragons Host

By Amer Sawan

Batgirl may have just found the role she was born for as a Dungeon Master for a DC Universe Dungeons & Dragons game.

Barbara Gordon has taken on many roles in her life. Being Batgirl and Oracle has left her with many valuable skills and perspectives. But Batgirl and Oracle were all just prep work for her true calling as a Dungeon Master for a session of Dungeons & Dragons she held for her friends, Black Canary, Huntress, Orphan, and Spoiler. It seems a bit out of nowhere, but considering Barbara's skillset and IQ, she actually makes the perfect host for D&D.

Batgirl Is the PERFECT Dungeons and Dragons Host November 13, 2020


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